Things You Should Know Before Hiring a Millennial

When considering what you want in the perfect employee, you might be turned off from the idea of hiring a person of a younger generation. While millennials have gotten a bad rap in the past few years as they start to become more and more involved in the job market, they are actually some of the best choices for workers you can have. Before you bring a few on board (or if you are curious about what you should know before hiring one), here are some things you should know.

Millennials like being in charge

Many millennials have already been in charge of much of their work lives. Whether it was working as an intern for several months or rising to the position of manager early on in their careers, they often find themselves in a role with a lot of responsibility at the beginning. While this can be helpful to you as a business owner because they have a lot of knowledge to share, it can also mean that millennials in theworkforce tend to assert themselves and often think that they might know the answer to a problem before you do. Keep this in mind when you are unsure about how to approach your young worker’s confident attitude, and make sure that they are being heard.

They use technology differently

Many millennials have grown up with technology as a part of their daily lives. While you and some of your other workers might have had to adjust to new systems, most millennials have had the opportunity to play around with new tech for as long as they can remember. This can put you in a position of having to ask for advice from someone who is younger than you are or by making them an integral part of how you move forward as a business. If you’re worried about the power dynamics that can result from that, don’t be afraid to gently remind your millennial employee that while you respect where he or she is coming from, you are the boss.

They tend to be sensitive

It’s a stereotype that millennials tend to be “snowflakes” and are extra sensitive to criticism, but there is some truth into the fact that it doesn’t hurt to be a little kinder to a younger workforce. It never hurts to try and understand where another generation is coming from, and many young people are justice-minded and interested in making the world better. Instead of dismissing this, take it to heart and see if you can approach criticism in a kind, supportive way rather than through anger or by immediately jumping to offering feedback. Not only does this help your millennial employee feel more investing in his or her position, but it helps you become a better manager for the future.

In summary

Millennials can be hard-working, involved employees that are a valuable asset for any company. However, like all generations, understanding where they are coming from can help you to yield better results and to create some loyal workers.