Instructions For Post-Dental Implant Surgery

Thanks to the advancements in cosmetic dentistry, now you can fix almost any dental issue. Whether you have crooked, misaligned, stained teeth, or even a missing tooth, you can get it fixed at cosmetic dentistry in Coconut Creek.
Dental implant surgery can give you the set of teeth that you desire and improve your smile. However, such surgeries are complicated and need to be taken utmost care of. It is extremely important to take care of your teeth post-surgery to ensure proper healing.
Pain and discomfort are normal after dental implant surgery, but you must take a few steps to make sure these do not get worse.
Instructions for dental implants post-surgery
- Bleeding.
If you experience bleeding the day after your surgery, do not panic. Some blood or redness in the saliva is normal for 24 hours. If you experience excessive bleeding, for example, if your mouth continues to fill up with blood, you can stop it by biting on a gauze pad placed directly on the wound for 30 minutes. If this does not help, or if the bleeding is abnormal, call your dentist.
- Swelling.
Swelling is your body’s normal way of reacting to a surgery. Swelling in your gums will start 24 hours after the surgery and reach its peak in two to three days. After this, the swelling will start to decrease but may persist for up to ten days. You can reduce the inflammation by using ice packs on your face for 20 minutes.
- Diet.
You should not eat any hard foods immediately after dental surgery. Your teeth and gums are still sensitive at this point; therefore, you should start with soft foods such as boiled vegetables, soup, pasta, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, etc. Your doctor may suggest when you can start eating hard foods, but you should only eat them when you feel up to it.
- Pain.
After the surgery, the local anesthesia will start wearing off, and you will experience some pain. This can be easily subsided with the help of over-the-counter pain medications. For moderate pain, you can take Tylenol or Ibuprofen. For severe pain, speak to your dentist for recommendations. However, remember not to take any medications without consulting your doctor first.
- Oral hygiene.
Maintaining good oral hygiene is key to a quick healing. Rinse your mouth gently after every meal with some saltwater. You should use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to brush your teeth at night. You may experience some bleeding upon brushing. You can repeat the use of the gauze as we have stated above. However, do not brush or rinse the day after your surgery.