How Likely are You to Win Your Personal Injury Case?

Personal injury law covers a lot of kinds of accidents. And different types of accidents can lead to different kinds of injuries. Depending on your type of injury, your medical bills may range from nominal to millions of dollars. To recover fair compensation for your injuries, you must work with one of the best orange county personal injury lawyers.  

Car accidents account for most personal injury cases and lead to life-threatening injuries. Also, personal injury claims can arise because of motorcycle accidents, slip and fall, truck accidents, dog bites, product liability, workplace accidents, and more. If you suffered an injury caused by somebody else’s negligence, your attorney can help you determine your eligibility to file a personal injury claim and recover damages from the party who caused your injury.

How Much is the Worth of Your Claim?

There is no specific dollar amount that can represent a true value to an injury claim. When it comes to determining the worth of a claim, some factors come into play. These include the policy limits of the at-fault party, the injuries you sustain, and where the accident happens. But, you can determine the amount of compensation you deserve by having a professional who knows the legal process inside and out review the details of your case. Research shows that on average, lawyers get their clients more than 3.5 times what unrepresented claimants get for themselves. 

Odds of Having a Successful Personal Injury Claim

While there is no guarantee that you can recover compensation for the full cost of your injuries, you can improve your chances by working with a reputable personal injury attorney. Some factors could keep you from getting a settlement including a lack of sufficient proof that the other party caused your accident and a lack of sufficient damage to warrant compensation. An attorney will work hard to prove fault for the accident and collect evidence to prove the existence of your injury. 

Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Keep in mind that the defendant may have their own attorney who you will be up against if you decide to file the case on your own. If you sustained injuries in a car accident, you will be fighting against the attorney of the insurance company. If your injury is work-related, you could be against the legal department or an experienced attorney of the company. 

Moreover, you only have two years from the date of your injury to file a claim for compensation. Although this may seem like ample time, time quickly passes and you may not have enough to put together the facts of your case. You can avoid all these issues if you have an attorney working for you.