Is Temp Work Bad For Your Career?

Many people have this question: Is temping bad for your career? They wonder if it’s going to affect their ability to stay at the same job they’ve always had. A recent search on the Yahoo Jobs website asked “Is Temp Work Bad for Your Career?” and the top response was, “It depends.” There are a few things you can do to determine if Temp Work is going to be good or not for you and help you decide whether it’s going to be a short term or long term decision for you.

To start, it’s important to point out that some companies (certainly Careerbuilder and Monster) have rules about temping bad and if you’re thinking of working online, some places actually require you to be online for a certain amount of time each week. The reasoning is that many people who are searching for available jobs at the employment agency don’t want to commit to a long-term relationship with an employer and are only seeking temporary work to get them through until their permanent position is filled. This is understandable. As a temp worker who is looking to build a long-term career, though, I would suggest that you check with the temp company to see what the requirements are and how they’ll work with you as well as what the employer expects of you once you’ve submitted your profile and resume.

Another thing to keep in mind is that your income will be less when you’re temping because you won’t have a full-time job. However, most temp workers earn money just as fast as full-time workers who have years of experience. So if you’re wondering is temping bad for your career, I would say that yes it is. If you want to have a successful career and make a lot of money, then you need to invest in yourself and find a way to build up your skills. The way that I earn money is by building my skills and taking small real-world assignments that require a great deal of my time.

It can be difficult for some temping employees to have stability in their job. Part of the reason this is difficult is that there is a high turnover rate among temp workers. The reasons for this are many. Some temp workers don’t like the pace of full-time employment. Other temp workers don’t like the commute to work, the long hours during the day, the cramped quarters, the lack of support from colleagues and supervisors, the low pay, the long hours, the stress of the work and so on.

Obviously, all these things can negatively impact a person’s earning potential. So is temping bad for your career? I would say no, but that is not to say that it is impossible to earn money as a temp worker.

However, you have to look at the pros and cons carefully before you jump into this type of temp work if you want to earn money as a long-term independent contractor. Many full-time employees quit their jobs within a few months to a few years. And if you look at it closely enough, you will see that most temp workers are actually happy with their position (if they even have one to begin with).

Aloha International Employment

430 Kele St #301, 

Kahului, HI 96732, United States
